In particular,
ConArg is a tool, based on Constraint Programming
(built on Gecode), that is able to solve various problems
related to the (Weighted) Abstract Argumentation Frameworks (AFs).
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) offer a wide number of efficient techniques
(as inference and search algorithms) that can tackle the complexity in finding all the
possible Dung’s conflict-free, admissible, complete, stable, preferred, grounded, semi-stable,
eager, stage, ideal
extensions in AFs.
Moreover, we can use the tool to solve some computationally hard problems.
ConArgLibrary is a C++ library that provides an API for Abstract Argumentation problems solving (enumeration, existence, acceptance, verification, non-emptyness).
The web interface allows to represent AFs and to compute sets of extensions for the implemented semantics. It is possible to draw an AF by adding arguments and attacks step by step directly on the interface. The obtained solutions are displayed in the output panel and it is possible to copy or download them.
Rob is a tool alble to display a lattice of AFs with chosen characteristics, as number of arguments and attack types. Every AF can be studied according to its set of extensions w.r.t. different semantics and in comparison with other AFs.